A new partnership between Procurant and Uber Freight enables sourcing and booking shipments with competitive rates directly within the order management platform. It moves the supplier and buyer closer to a more cost-effective and timely fresh produce supply chain that allows for tighter delivery deadlines.
Why does this matter?
In 2021, the US fresh produce supply chain moved nearly 43 billion pounds of fruit and vegetables and recorded $71.6B in sales. All of that food went through a supply chain that prioritizes speed and quality due to the short shelf-life of most perishable goods. Time is critical, and buyers are less tolerant of late shipments than ever before.
While speed is critical, many segments of the fresh supply chain remain that can slow things down. For example, using multiple systems is common. A supplier and buyer use one procurement system to manage an order, but then shift to a separate -- possibly manual -- method for securing transportation.This “silo” operating mode creates delays, introduces errors, slows delivery and cuts into perishable product shelf life.
It seems obvious that silo operations should be consolidated, but bringing systems together is easier said than done. Systems tend to be separate for a reason and merging even a seemingly simple process can require very different sets of data, different types of users and seamless integration between back-end enterprise systems.
Procurant has solved this problem through an innovative partnership with Uber Freight and a unique blending of procurement and transportation functionality. The result is a faster perishable goods supply chain, more efficient staff, lower costs and fewer errors caused by manual processes.
So that’s why it matters, and we look forward to helping our customers succeed.
Procurant USA LLC
475 Alberto Way - Suite 230
Los Gatos, CA 95032